When Is The Best Time to Move: Expert Insights For A Stress-Free Relocation

Best time to move

When Is The Best Time to Move: Expert Insights For A Stress-Free Relocation

When you plan to move house, whether as a family or a couple, one goal homeowners will surely have is to schedule their move at the best possible time to save money and keep stress levels as low as possible.

For those who either want to avoid peak moving season, or on the other hand might not have any other choice than to move house in busy seasons, there are some solutions to consider.

In this guide, we take a look at how you can make moving house easy and how you can potentially negotiate the best possible time to move.

How far in advance should you plan a move?

Plan for a perfect moving day. Photo: Matthew Henry/Burst

Before we get into the best timeline for a move, it is important to also look at how to best plan your move date.

If you need to secure a perfect moving date that will allow you enough time to work with the moving company that you prefer, it is best that you do not delay securing your move date at least eight weeks in advance – and if you can, do so even earlier!

This gives you enough time to work through your timeline, which will give you more flexibility to have a stress free experience.

What should I keep in mind when I arrange my move day?

Remember that peak moving season could impact your move. Photo: Pixabay

To pick that perfect move day, there are several factors that you need to consider.

Here are some considerations:

Know when peak moving season is in the UK

If you have been eyeing a move during the summer months, it is important that you book your move to your new house well in advance.

Late June to early September is a popular season for many individuals, thanks to pleasant weather conditions.

However, these favourable conditions also mean that summer months could be the busiest time for movers, with slots filling up fast as homeowners book their moves.

Another factor that comes into play during these popular summer months is the favourable housing market.

Summer in the UK often sees an uptick in both buying and selling, which means many people will be looking for removal services during this time.

College students especially might also need moving services during the summer break, which means there could be an increase in demand for movers during summer months.

Don’t forget, some days are popular for house moves as well

Together with August being one of the most popular months to move in the UK, there is also a popular day that stands out for house moves: Friday.

Therefore, if you are eyeing a move on the most popular day of the week, you need to ensure you book your move early.

Saturday is the second most popular day for moving, which means that if you are considering the convenience of a weekend move, it is best to book early.

Some moving days could be the cheapest time to move house

Although it might not necessarily be the same day as the most popular day for a move, Sunday can often be the cheapest time to arrange a move for, with Saturday and Wednesday also being contenders as the cheapest option for a move.

Make sure to check with your moving company what the best deal would be for your budget, and compare quotes before making a final decision on a cost effective move.

Keep the time of day for your move in mind

Early morning is often a prime time slot that homeowners might be eyeing, considering that this can give them a running start for unpacking and getting their new homes in order.

Therefore, if you want to get an early start at your new home, make sure that you secure that perfect slot for the beginning of your moving day.

Bear in mind how long your move will take

Some home moves might take longer than others, which means you need to plan accordingly.

For instance, a move from an apartment might be smaller and less time consuming than a home move, where more rooms and belongings will need to be transported and moved into a new house.

If you have a big move coming up, ensure that you have enough scheduling flexibility for a seamless move.

Make the most moving off-season, if possible

One of the reasons why moving off-season could be a good consideration, is that fewer people might be booking their moves, which means there will be less demand and potentially more availability compared to the busy summer season.

Also, off season rates could prove to be the cheapest option for your wallet, so check in with your moving company if there are cheaper rates available.

Seasonal considerations

Choose the right time for your move. Photo: Shopify Partners

Let’s do a quick recap of seasonal moves and what to keep in mind, whether you are moving during peak moving season, or at another time.


Summer is one of the most popular months to move, which means moving companies can quickly get booked up, especially for families who want to move during one of the least disruptive times of the school year.

If your moving plans fall into this category, it is important that you plan ahead to suit your personal circumstances and make the most of good weather.

Remember that summer might have less availability when it comes to moving opportunities, so check in with removal companies what their availability looks like.

Fall and Spring

Moving during early spring or even late fall months can be an excellent compromise between avoiding peak season and still having more hours to complete your move.

Also, you can leverage the bank holidays in spring to have more time for your move.

However, fall and spring may still see some demand from families with school-age children, and moving companies may not offer the same level of discounts as during the off-season.


Winter months are the least popular time frames when it comes to moving, due to icy roads and extreme weather conditions.

Also, a move during the Christmas period might not be ideal, as this is usually a time for family gatherings and celebrations, which can be limited if a move is planned during this time.

Personal factors to consider

Moving with kids

When moving with school age children, it’s essential to consider their school schedules and plan your move accordingly to minimise disruptions to their education.

If your children are changing schools during the academic year, it is especially important to ensure there is minimal stress on their schedules – remember, a rushed, stressful move can be tough to handle!

Other factors

Other personal factors, such as work commitments, family events, and holidays, should also be considered when planning your move.

This is why it is important that before you consider a DIY move, to rather get the help of a moving company if you have no other option than moving during the Christmas period or other busy times.

Top tips: Planning for a stress-free move

Plan the best time to move for the whole family. Photo: Unsplash

Secure the best moving costs for your budget

Whether you are planning to make the most of spring weather or are looking for the best season when there will be less demand for home moves, it is crucial that you prioritise cost effective moving transport.

Start getting quotes early, and be clear about your requirements, such as needing transport for large items.

Choose the right moving date

The best day for a home move will be different for every person – even those who would prefer moving in winter or even mid week.

Carefully selecting your moving date can help you plan for less traffic, and ensure a smoother moving process.

Plan ahead for a smooth move

Once you have your professional movers and moving services booked, all that is left to do is sort out your personal matters and, of course, pack items that will be moved, and set aside any items that you want to donate or send to recycling if suitable.

Do not leave your packing until the last minute, as this could put extra stress on your moving day and cause potential delays.

Ensure a successful relocation

Your perfect moving date will make your house move so much easier. Photo: Unsplash

Choosing the best time to move to a new home can ensure the beginning of a fantastic chapter for you and your family.

So, pick a day and season, and of course, the perfect professional movers, that will all make the move to your new home one that is stress free from start to finish.

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